Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beware of free access to SIMs in mobile phones

NOWADAYS, we, the general people of Bangladesh, are experiencing a revolutionary change in the telecommunications sector. In a decade we have got used to the latest communication system mobile phone. Undoubtedly, it has enhanced the total communication system.

But now the prevailing situation is leading to a hazard. The providers of the leading networking system of mobile phone have selected the young generation to increase the number of users. One has the access to different SIM cards. As a result, they are getting addicted to it. With different SIM cards they exchange banters with each other and waste their money and time. The free SMS, bonus talk time, etc., keep the students awake for long hours at night gossiping or chatting with anonymous boys and girls. Consequently, the attendance in the classroom has decreased alarmingly. Those who are found in classroom are sleepy and unmindful. They are losing interest in their studies and getting involved in crimes. This will makes us pay a lot in the long run.

It is already a big problem to be handled. I hope the guardians who are aware should come forward to solve the problem prevailing now. Otherwise, we will find the country into a situation where we will have to curse technology and science for its evil impact on society, especially, the youth.

The mobile telecommunication companies should change their business strategies. In my view, they should think, or else they will be the sufferers too.

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